Upgrading MoonTrust token via BSCScan

Jan 6, 2022


As our app currently only supports Desktop Browsers, some mobile users are having difficulty upgrading their old MoonTrust Tokens.

You can use below alternative method to upgrade which will support mobile devices

  1. Head over to https://bscscan.com/token/0x390037d710c86f88f05174599425b77c72eda305#writeContract
  2. Click on “connect to web3” and choose “WalletConnect”

See TrustWallet Instructions for how to use WalletConnect


3. Once connected, scroll down and look for “approve”

4. under spender field enter: 0x26F4D5348bF29D8b5cD243Bd9a9fb81Ca0Dc564c

5. under amount field enter:


6. Press “Write” and confirm on your software wallet for the transaction

7. Wait for the transaction to complete

8. Head over to https://bscscan.com/address/0x26F4D5348bF29D8b5cD243Bd9a9fb81Ca0Dc564c#writeContract

9. Scroll down to “exchangeTransfer”

10. Enter the amount you want to transfer AND add 000000000000000000

For example if you want to exchange 1,000,000 you need to enter


