Each month we will discuss what we have accomplished, where we’ve failed, and what is still to come.
Note: going forward, live transaction disclosure will be provided at MoonTrust channel within the app. A monthly summary of all the transactions will be disclosed at monthly updates as well.
What have we accomplished in November?
- 1400 New Holders
- Soft Launch of MoonTrust App
- Converted website to the live app: https://moontrust.net/
- The original website (informational) is now https://moontrust.info/
- Fixed new message notification in the app
- Fixed sorting new message to top in the app
Where have we failed?
- We have met our November milestones
So what’s next for MoonTrust?
Due to community feedback for staking and steady burn mechanisms, we announced MoonTrustBSC token (a fork of original token). Click here for detailed information on the new token.
On December 1st, Pancake V2 liquidity for original MoonTrust 0x390037d710c86f88f05174599425b77c72eda305 will be removed. Pancake V1 liquidity will be untouched. Users can still buy/sell via Pancake V1.
We will be Solidity.Finance to audit our new token (MoonTrustBSC). Once the audit is done, we will complete KYC service for our project owners with IDOPresales. After that we will launch the new token with DxSale.
Original holders will be able to exchange their old MoonTrust tokens for the new one at a 1:1 ratio once DxSale campaign is completed. Upgrading is optional, as the old token still works with our app and it can still be traded via Pancake V1.
December Objectives
- Audit for MoonTrustBSC Token
- KYC for project owners
- Launch MoonTrustBSC Token
- Marketing Campaign
- MoonTrust App Enhancement
November Transaction Disclosures:
Moved 250m mntt to latoken to provide additional liquidity to handle increased volume activity
Moved 500m mntt to to provide additional liquidity to handle increased volume activity
Paid 5bill mntt to developer wallet for moontrust platform development related expenses
Moved 5b mntt to provide additional liquidity to handle price differences between pancake versions and exchange
Moved 1.1bnb to do new user registration incentive to moontrust platform
paid 54 usdt for editing service for upcoming article we will be publishing
paid 150 busd as publishing fee
paid 159 busd to Lin for paying for accesswire press release service
paid 0.01 bnb to marketer who will spread word of our project
paid 200 busd for development consultation
paid 1903 usdt (including withdrawal fee) for third party smart contract audit service of New MoonTrustBSC token
paid 2 bnb for kyc service