Each month we will discuss what we have accomplished, where we’ve failed, and what is still to come.
What have we accomplished in June?
- V1 MoonTrust App released in production
- 800 New holders
- BSC Token Price Bot alert
- Bitcoin Whale Alert
- MoonTrust Verified Holders Telegram Channel
Where have we failed?
- Android and iOS app release
- Social media aspects of V1 MoonTrust
Why did we fail?
This is mostly due to legal requirement of the app. We originally planned for the app to be centralized but this requires various Federal and State level licenses in the US. We have decided to redesign the app to be dAPP instead.
See full details at previous article: https://moontrustteam.medium.com/moontrust-pivot-design-changes-b34077a77ebe
So what’s next for MoonTrust?
See full detailed roadmap at https://moontrustteam.medium.com/moontrust-pivot-design-changes-b34077a77ebe
In summary, we are mostly working on MoonTrust V2. As V2 is much more bulkier than V1, we will need a lot of time to get it developed. We are excited to add these features.
We are currently testing the verified holders feature via Telegram. As we get closer to implementation of various features, we will be ultizing the community for feedback and testing. We will strive to launch the basic feature into telegram bots or channels, receive feedback, and then adding it into our V2 development backlog.
July Objectives
- V2 App development
- Various Telegram bot improvements
Note: we removed voting mechanism work that was scheduled for July from last month’s update. Voting mechanism will be included in V2 release. Instead, we will be ultizing Telegram verified holders group for voting purposes in the interim.