February Monthly Updates

1 min readMar 1, 2022


Each month we will discuss what we have accomplished, where we’ve failed, and what is still to come.

What have we accomplished in February?

  • 30 New Holders
  • Marketing Campaign

Where have we failed?

  • We have met February objectives

So what’s next for MoonTrust?

We are continuously working on the app for the improvements. Recently we have closed new user registration to the chat groups. All other features of the app is same as before.

New users of the app will not be able to join chat groups going forward. Based on the feedback we have received, we are reviewing our current mechanisms and designs of chat groups. We aim to implement the feedback provided to us.

March Objectives:

  • Review the current structure of chat groups
  • Propose design changes for chat groups

February Transactions:

paid 100 busd for marketing to drive traffic to website:

below transactions are for helpping community member upgrade token
txn in 0xdaf421531279d9902fb1993e1990a360fa6c34eb72e5a332291a7cf41af6b7e6
txn out 0x79f14bd159f75bbf3f5ed66cf4ca0c4c149adde61a43136a9cee16a0b7ffd6dc

txn in: 0x49e55d941d32adfd37e5cf2b2a21473afe021daf1d18568a3e9f6f3680869ff6
txn out: 0xd57fa3ee88d367432b950c17507ebb79c9c52b30480b180a22b08ec11ed2e14f

txn in: 0x39b69406a9650aeb56580014268f8b9dca6e3b47320e140cfb1fea3a56735257
txn out: 0xbc8b226484a6f8840834fe9f8ac96e71e9b5e0294cddb1557862a5aed6809c0b

txn in: 0xfded0d2273c250498a7d6e1fe287e855c205ffd850f0b05528db07127901870a
txn out: 0xf43e7996b1826ad4855d48afb15d7192f7f6220e35a73334a69b3af70e7d7eae

txn in: 0xc3de144ce4128b6c72556022bf46f68f07ec0e9efca2800c10169023db4b74fa
txn out: 0xdf8f27ec599ff04591562b25e88d41003b3f5707316e4392e0818316aa62c5b4

