April Monthly Updates

May 5, 2022


Each month we will discuss what we have accomplished, where we’ve failed, and what is still to come.

What have we accomplished in April?

  • Prototype of MoonTrust Desktop Application

Where have we failed?

  • We have met April objectives

So what’s next for MoonTrust? (same as March’s)

We are seeing a slow down in traffic across all our marketing campaigns. As such, we will be putting our marketing efforts on a pause. Currently, there has been a significant decrease in traffic across the crypto space.

We will be shifting gear to focus on development of our app and improving on it.

May Objectives:

Continue development of MoonTrust App

April Transactions:

0x1df997d680d5d2e4b849625b5978a279dd69d15163c121b9015b0c6ad979bffa — Remove pancake V1 pool liquidity of old MoonTrust token

0xe4c02adc8576af0e254a90786f9a2b48d3f6ef0446da0db16d6995a93379cc36 — Add pancake liquidity into Pancake V2 pool

0xfacca2cbdf398010d2b2f3a9e6c03660a509fa99603baa5bfe017e9360d48cd9 — Approve token locker contract

0x2ef4f41b29041ba2162c08baae13d1af96dd4867609584e12194d5dd8962e1a0 — Lock Pancake liquidity of old MoonTrust token (0x390037d710C86F88F05174599425B77c72Eda305)

